Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to Justin!!

Yesterday was Justin's 34th birthday! It was a fun day for him, I think, and especially the kids.

Justin had already opened his main presents a couple of weeks ago, the stinker. He decided after going to a train show at the Union Station that he wanted to start up doing model trains. He knew exactly the kind he wanted and the accessories. He put it on his on-line wish list at Amazon and told me where to find the tracks on eBay. I ordered it thinking that he wouldn't have known when it came. He didn't say anything for a while but started asking if any packages had came. I of course said no, even though they had. After a while he started saying things like, are you sure no packages have come. I asked if he had been tracking the stuff and he admitted he had. So no point in waiting until his birthday to let him have it, he already knew what it was and that it must have came. He was so excited to have it and whats even funnier is that Tucker probably loves it more than he does. Almost every day Tucker asks to have it out so that he can "watch trains".

We did take him balloons yesterday with a bag of some of his favorite snacks. That's always a hit with Justin to take him balloons when he's at work. I painted the windows of his car and our back sliding glass door. We put up streamers and a sign. I did get him a pair of shorts, something to open. We made him fajitas and baked him a cake. It was fun for the kids. They were probably more excited then him.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Justin! We love you!


Kristin said...

Happy Birthday Justin. I hope you got my message. Love ya tons.

10zfam said...

sounds like he had a great b-day. Happy b-day. sorry I didn't call, cambree's been sick all week so we haven't done too much

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Justin. I like KariAnn didn't forget your birthday, but I haven't felt very good all week and I came home from work Tuesday and slept while Bryce was home taking care of the kids. I did think about you though, and it's the thought that counts right?

10zfam said...

Hey, sara here is the address for matt and heidi's blog

Traci Barney said...

Love your blog! You have such a beautiful family!!! We love you

Coley Ru said...

Hi Sara and Justin! I found your address on Kami's blog and was so excited to see your cute picts! Thanks for letting me in on the fun (even without permission).Coley

Timothy Young said...

Now I'm wondering where all my old trains are...